Text Box: ADHD Awareness	
	Recognizing national ADHD Awareness week(www.ADHDawareness2010.org ), we would like to take this opportunity to increase awareness of the medical condition of Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder as well as highlight a few resources available.  ADHD affects not only children and adults but can have a tremendous impact on their families.  
Additionally to the web resources available you can be a part of local CHADD meetings in the Greenville area.  Children with ADHD often struggle with social situations and benefit from support in those areas.  
Families with children suffering with ADHD often find themselves trying to convince others of the reality of ADHD.  Below you will find the seven myths about ADHD taken from the Press Release made recognizing ADHD Awareness 2010.  

7 Myths About ADHD
Find the facts that debunk the seven most common myths about ADHD as a downloadable handout at www.adhdawareness2010.org:
1. ADHD isn’t a real medical disorder.
2. Children who are given accommodations because of their ADHD are getting an unfair advantage.
3. Children with ADHD eventually outgrow their condition.
4. ADHD affects only boys.
5. ADHD is the result of bad parenting.
6. Children who take ADHD medication are more likely to abuse drugs as teenagers.
7. People who have ADHD are stupid or lazy—they never amount to anything.

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) is a national, family based organization concerned with ADHD and related disorders. CHADD hosts over 200 local chapters and community support groups. CHADD is active in Washington, D.C., mental health and disability public policy coalitions, and is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to operate the National Resource Center on AD/HD (NRC). www.chadd.org and www.help4adhd.org
ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO) is a non-profit, professional membership organization for ADHD coaches, created to advance the profession of ADHD coaching worldwide. The ACO believes specialized life coaching is a powerful tool to help clients achieve goals and realize their full potential. It has the largest searchable, online directory of professional ADHD coaches anywhere. www.adhdcoaches.org
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA), founded more than 20 years ago, is the world’s leading adult ADHD organization. ADDA brings together scientific perspectives and the human experience, and provides information, resources, and networking opportunities to help adults with ADHD lead better lives. www.add.org
ADDitude magazine is a consumer publication for adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and parents raising children with the condition. Founded in 1998, ADDitude has provided clear, accurate information and advice about ADHD and learning disabilities from the leading experts and practitioners in mental health and learning for 12 years. www.additudemag.com

Fall  2010

Issue 20

Carolina Center for Counseling

& Behavioral Interventions, LLC

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  Simpsonville, SC 29681    


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