Carolina Center for Counseling

& Behavioral Interventions, LLC

Text Box: Bridging the gap for individuals and families.


Getting Ready for Middle School


Children starting middle school face many challenges that are new and daunting.  For some children with anxiety, ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, PDD or other Autism Spectrum Disorders this change is especially challenging.  Each summer we offer a group specifically for sixth graders (and some rising 7th graders that have struggled with this transition). 

During this group we focus on building an understanding of social expectations and building social skills as well as organizational skills.  Topics include:

· Avoiding teasing and handling bullying

· Knowing how to find your classes or your homework (and other supplies)

· Building a relationship with SIX or more teachers

· Asking for help

· Learning what it means to fit in

· Increasing awareness of strengths and weaknesses

· Learning how to problem solve in social situations

· Handling intense emotions

· Concerns related to hygiene